Join our virtual supporter conference

You are warmly invited to attend the Anti-Slavery International Supporter Conference which will be held virtually on Wednesday 17th November 2021 from 4pm-6pm.

During the Conference, we will celebrate what we’ve achieved together during 2020-21, and look to the challenges and opportunities ahead as a united movement for freedom. There will also be a lively panel discussion on the impact of climate change on modern slavery, and other exciting speakers and presentations. We look forward to hearing your views and thoughts on the movement to bring freedom from slavery for all.


Annual General Meeting (AGM) 

In light of the increasing numbers of COVID-19 infections and possibility that fresh government restrictions will be put in place on travel and group numbers in the next few weeks, we have reluctantly taken the decision to postpone our AGM from 17th November 2021 to a date to be decided in the beginning of 2022.

We apologise for this late decision and trust that conditions next year will make it easier for us to all to meet in safety.

We will contact you early in the New Year with the new date, which will be in either January or February 2022. Please contact us if you have any queries.

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