Anti-Slavery International statement on the 2020 anti-racist uprisings

Disclaimer: This article is more than 4 years old, and may not include the most up-to-date information or statistics. Please verify information with more recent sources as needed, and if you have any questions contact our Press Office.

4 June 2020

Anti-Slavery International stands as an ally in solidarity with all who are protesting against racism and the systemic injustice in their communities and around the world. Slavery happens because people are discriminated against, denied their rights and not protected by the law.

Anti-Slavery International was set up 181 years ago to dismantle the systems that looted people’s freedoms due to the colour of their skin. Our work is far from finished. We see, daily, the abuses of power that strip people of their liberty and their lives. We work hand-in-hand with survivors and oppressed people, with partners, supporters and allies to change attitudes, to challenge power and to help end the systemic inequality that hampers efforts to bring freedom and justice for everyone, everywhere, always.

Above all, we commit to listen, to learn and to do better. Black lives matter.

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