Theresa May’s task force on modern slavery positive, but protecting the victims crucial

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1 August 2016

hotel worker

Theresa May announced new drive to tackle modern slavery. She is planning to setup the first ever government task force on modern slavery, as well as working collaboratively between various government agencies in Britain and abroad, investing in awareness raising police training, and creating a special anti-slavery fund focusing on main source countries for trafficking into the UK.

Commenting on Theresa May’s announcement, director of Anti-Slavery International Aidan McQuade said:

“Anti-Slavery International is delighted to welcome Theresa May’s renewed drive to tackle modern slavery in Britain. It is heartening that she has brought to her Premiership the same commitment to this issue that she showed as the Home Secretary.

“When she pushed the Modern Slavery Act through Parliament she recognised that the Act alone was not a solution to all problems but a new beginning, and a lot remains to be done.

“Establishing a special task force, more training for police, particularly on victim identification and protection, and more inter-agency co-operation are all positive and much needed measures.

“Protection and support of those who are affected by slavery needs to be at the centre of all these efforts. In addition slavery must be recognised as a fundamental issue of international trade and international development.

“The advice that the ministerial task force draws upon will be an important indicator in what direction and Britain’s fight with slavery will go. Towards this end Anti-Slavery International is delighted to offer our 177 years of experience on fighting slavery in the UK and internationally.”

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