Anti-Slavery Day: Unlock the future for victims of slavery in the UK

There are more people in slavery in the UK than you might think.

It’s estimated that 1 in every 700 people in Britain are in slavery. That’s enough adults or children to fill Wembley Stadium.

We can be better than this. Slavery isn’t inevitable. This Anti-Slavery Day, please take the actions below to help unlock the future for victims of slavery in the UK and worldwide.

1. Use your voice

We urgently need your help to encourage UK parliament to pass a Bill on 19th October protecting the rights of survivors and making sure they get long-term help to rebuild their lives. Write to your MP now to ensure victims receive proper care and support.

2. Arm yourself with knowledge

The more we know about slavery in all its forms, the more we can do to end it. Take our short quiz about the facts of modern slavery and arm yourself with the knowledge to join the fight against it.

3. Join the movement

We provide care for victims of modern slavery, run programmes to rebuild lives, and lobby governments and businesses to protect vulnerable people. This is only possible thanks to our members. Join our movement today and unite with others to end slavery once and for all. Or why not consider making a one-off donation to help people live their lives in freedom.

4. Learn to spot the signs

Slavery is happening all around us and persists because it’s easy to hide. We need to be vigilant and to know what to do if we suspect that people around us are being forced into labour and controlled by others. Increase your knowledge of the signs of slavery by taking this quick test now.

5. Flex your consumer muscles

You have more power than you think. Why not find out what your favourite brands are doing to make sure their goods and services are slavery free? Check whether they have a modern slavery statement on their website, and if not, drop them an email. With the help of our supporters, Anti-Slavery International has achieved countless victories, with businesses acting under pressure from their customers. Let’s keep up the momentum.

6. Shout about it

Share what you know about slavery with friends, families and colleagues and encourage them to take action themselves and become anti-slavery champions too. It only takes a few seconds to share our tweets and Facebook posts.

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