Council of Europe trafficking convention enters into force

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25 October 2007

In an important move forward in the fight against human trafficking, on 24 October Cyprus became the tenth country to ratify the Council of Europe’s Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings.

With 10 ratifications it means the Convention will enter into force from 1 February 2008, and its protective measures will become legally binding.

Anti-Slavery International has been campaigning for all 46 member states to ratify this crucial convention. It is the only international law that provides all trafficked people with guaranteed minimum standards of protection, including at least 30 days to stay in the country to receive:

  • Emergency medical assistance
  • Safe housing
  • Legal advice

The United Kingdom Government signed the Convention in March this year, and pledged it would ratify it. It is vital the Government ratifies and implements the Convention as a matter of urgency.

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