Anti-Slavery welcomes Jonathan Newhouse as new patron.

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Jonathan Newhouse

22 Ferbuary 2018

Anti-Slavery International is delighted to announce that Jonathan Newhouse, Chairman and Chief Executive of Condé Nast International, has become a patron of Anti-Slavery International to support the struggle against modern day slavery.

“As a history buff I had studied slavery, but it was the Morecombe Bay disaster in 2004 when more than 20 Chinese immigrants drowned which shocked me to the core” said Newhouse.

“To know that persons were being enslaved through modern methods, in plain sight, and dying right here in Britain – and not enough was being done. I resolved to get involved and to try to help. Becoming a patron enables me to carry out this commitment.”

Newhouse has directed Conde Nast International, publishers of Vogue, Vanity Fair, Gentlemen’s Quarterly, Conde Nast Traveller, Tatler and House & Garden, since 1991, expanding its activities to more than 120 magazines and 80 websites to 28 markets in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and Latin America. He is an Officer in the Order of Arts and Letters of France.

Chair of Trustees, Tanya English, said: “We are delighted to welcome Jonathan as a new patron of Anti-Slavery International.

“His reputation in the world of publishing and beyond will undoubtedly help us convey the seriousness of slavery in today’s world, and we welcome his leadership and support as we work together to end slavery for good.”

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