Articles tagged with: business

16 articles with this tag.

Illustration showing two people in a room discussing human rights in the workplace

What do the new EU CSDDD requirements mean for your business? 

As the European Parliament today gives final approval to the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, our business advisory service team shares initial reflections on the CSDDD and its requirements for businesses, and what this law means for human rights globally. The European Parliament’s final agreement of the Corporate Sustainability Due… Keep reading »

Landmark due diligence legislation agreed in the EU

14 December 2023 In the early hours of Thursday 14 December, the European Parliament, European Commission and Council of the European Union reached a definitive political agreement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. The specific content of the agreement is still being clarified by decision makers, more complete and… Keep reading »


4 in 5 of the British public support new laws to prevent exploitation of people in supply chains

30 August 2022 In our latest blog, Yaeno Fernandez Amano, Fellow at Anti-Slavery International, explores the latest polling results regarding modern slavery and supply chains. Image credit: Song_about_summer via Shutterstock. A new YouGov poll conducted by Anti-Slavery International and the Corporate Justice Coalition shows strong public support for new… Keep reading »


The historic elimination of state-imposed forced labour in Uzbekistan: decent work must now be protected

Today, 10 March 2022, Anti-Slavery International, together with the Cotton Campaign, celebrates the historic achievement of the elimination of state-imposed forced labour in the 2021 Uzbek cotton harvest. For almost 15 years, the Cotton Campaign, a coalition of international human and labour rights NGOs, independent trade unions, brand… Keep reading »