Articles tagged with: home office

10 articles with this tag.

Refugees walking along a road, wrapped up in coats and carrying bags

Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group urge Lords to consider modern slavery

As the proposed “Illegal Migration” Bill progresses in the House of Lords, the Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group provide a new detailed overview of how this Bill will impact victims of slavery. Our Parliamentary Officer, Lucy Symington returns to the ATMG’s analysis of the Bill and highlights the core concerns relating to… Keep reading »

How the RNA process created yet another “hostile environment”

25 April 2022 Kimberley – policy and monitoring assistant at Anti-Slavery International and co-author of our most recent report “One day at a time” – talks about the hostile environment created for survivors of modern slavery. Today, the Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group and Anti-Slavery International… Keep reading »

Okay Google, what’s the RNA?

26 April 2022 Today, the Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group, hosted by Anti-Slavery International, launches “One day at a time”, a report looking at the Recovery Needs Assessment (RNA). Co-author of the report, Olly, sheds light on the report and on the RNA process itself. Image via unsplash. As someone who has… Keep reading »

One day at a time: shedding light on the Recovery Needs Assessment (RNA)

Today, the Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group and chair Anti-Slavery International launch the first report looking at the experience of the Recovery Needs Assessment (RNA) process. The new report entitled “One day at a time” charters the first-hand experiences of, not only those on the receiving end of support, but also the… Keep reading »

Rwanda: asylum seekers need protection from traffickers, not camps

21 April 2022 Jamie Fookes, Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group Coordinator, discusses the risks of human trafficking given the UK Government’s recent announcement that it would be sending asylum seekers to Rwanda. Image via Shutterstock. At the end of last week, the Home Office announced its reckless and cruel plan to send… Keep reading »

Nationality and Borders Bill

The Nationality and Borders Bill will harm victims of modern slavery

James Fookes, ATMG Co-ordinator, explains our concerns around the Nationality and Borders Bill. Image via Shutterstock. The Nationality and Borders Bill passed through the House of Commons unamended late last year. It is now making its way through the House of Lords where discussions on amendments to part 5… Keep reading »

Nationality and Borders Bill – our concerns, and what we need to see

This week the home secretary introduced the Nationality and Borders Bill, which would enact the Government’s ‘New Plan for Immigration’. Anti-Slavery International’s UK policy manager Kate Roberts outlines our concerns about the Bill – and explains why survivors’ voices must be heard. In October 2019, the UK was rocked… Keep reading »

The New Plan for Immigration won’t help survivors of modern slavery

Anti-Slavery International’s UK Policy Manager Kate Roberts explains why the Government’s New Plan for Immigration could leave survivors struggling for sustainable freedom from exploitation The Elizabeth Tower – picture by Simon Rae, via Unsplash The rhetoric and proposals that emerged from the Home Office on 24 March… Keep reading »