Articles tagged with: legislation

6 articles with this tag.

Refugees walking along a road, wrapped up in coats and carrying bags

Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group urge Lords to consider modern slavery

As the proposed “Illegal Migration” Bill progresses in the House of Lords, the Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group provide a new detailed overview of how this Bill will impact victims of slavery. Our Parliamentary Officer, Lucy Symington returns to the ATMG’s analysis of the Bill and highlights the core concerns relating to… Keep reading »

Nationality and Borders Bill

The Nationality and Borders Bill will harm victims of modern slavery

James Fookes, ATMG Co-ordinator, explains our concerns around the Nationality and Borders Bill. Image via Shutterstock. The Nationality and Borders Bill passed through the House of Commons unamended late last year. It is now making its way through the House of Lords where discussions on amendments to part 5… Keep reading »