Articles tagged with: mHREDD

3 articles with this tag.

The European Commissions’ proposal for an EU due diligence law: our recommendations addressing its current shortcomings

In February 2022, we shared our initial reaction to the EU Commissions’ proposal for a mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence law. We have now released our comprehensive analysis and recommendations for addressing the proposal’s shortcomings. Rocio Domingo-Ramos, Business and Human Rights Policy and Research Officer, shares how we… Keep reading »

EU flags in front of the European Commission as the EU debates forced and child labour

EU business and human rights law – new report

As the European Commission prepares to set out plans for EU business and human rights law, Rocio Domingo Ramos – Anti-Slavery International’s business and human rights policy and research officer – explains how a new report sets out what we hope to see.  Image by Guillaume Périgois via Unsplash The… Keep reading »