
Uzbekistan cotton worker

Corporate partnerships with Anti-Slavery make a significant impact on the work to eradicate slavery. From identifying and remedying risk in a company’s own operations, to taking part in events, and organising staff fundraising days, your company can work with Anti-Slavery in a number of ways to help give the gift of freedom.

  • Choose Anti-Slavery’s ground breaking work for your charity events and giving
  • Set up tax-efficient payroll-giving for your employees
  • Give Freedom – take part in team events and bring freedom to more men, women and children
  • Find out about preventing and tackling risks of slavery in your supply chains
  • Support campaigns to secure a fairer deal for victims of modern slavery and forced labour

Get in touch

We would be delighted to discuss further any of these opportunities and arrange for you to meet the relevant people at Anti-Slavery International.

Please contact us at

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