Six Things You Can Do To Stop Slavery In Less Than Sixty Minutes

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Image via Shutterstock.

9 July 2020

Some 40 million people are estimated to be in slavery, whether in a nail bar in London, a coltan mine in Congo or a garment factory in India, slavery is often hidden in plain sight.

The products of slavery are around us every day – it’s in the things we wear and the things we eat. Ending slavery and freeing millions of people is a huge task and will require a movement of inspired activists to achieve it. But there are very simple ways you can take action and be part of that movement.

1. Learn

Learn about modern slavery. Know where it can exist and how it manifests. It can take as little as 10 minutes. Take our modern slavery quiz or ordering our Faith Resources Pack.

2. Spot the signs

You probably see people who are in slavery on a regular basis. They don’t have shackles, they might appear normal, but look closer and you might spot more worrying traits. Take our test to spot the signs and find out what to do if you suspect someone is being exploited – it takes two minutes.

3. Join the movement to end slavery

Anti-Slavery International provides immediate care for victims, runs programmes to rebuild their lives, and lobbies governments and businesses to take slavery seriously and protect vulnerable people. This is long and complex work and needs sustained funds. Joining our movement could make a vital difference to help end slavery. It only takes 3 minutes.

4. Sign the petition

Victims of slavery need time and support to rebuild their lives, but the UK fails to provide it. Please spare 2 minutes to sign our petition to ensure victims receive proper care and support.

5. Use your consumer power

Engage the businesses you buy from. Check on their website whether they have a modern slavery statement and ask them what they are doing to ensure their goods and services are not tainted by slavery. 15 minutes spent reading a statement and sending a short email can have a real impact. We have countless examples of businesses acting under pressure from their customers.

6. Share

Share information about slavery with friends, families and colleagues and encourage them to take action themselves. This will cost you as little as a few seconds to share tweets and Facebook posts. Click away now!

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