Articles tagged with: Modern Slavery

50 articles with this tag.


World Book Day: your must-reads books on slavery

March 3 marks World Book Day and with a host of books dedicated to the theme of slavery and survivors’ struggles, we asked our team to share their favourites. Take a look!   Emily Hughes: Trusts and Major Gifts Officer Book of choice: ‘The Girl with the Louding Voice’… Keep reading »

social auditing

The inadequacies of social auditing: why we need worker-led solutions

Eloise Savill, Private Sector Adviser here at Anti-Slavery International, explains why companies need to move beyond models of social audits if they’re serious about tackling forced labour in their supply chains. Image credit: Dmitry Kalinovsky via Shutterstock. Last week, on 10 February 2022, it was announced that a… Keep reading »

Nationality and Borders Bill

The Nationality and Borders Bill will harm victims of modern slavery

James Fookes, ATMG Co-ordinator, explains our concerns around the Nationality and Borders Bill. Image via Shutterstock. The Nationality and Borders Bill passed through the House of Commons unamended late last year. It is now making its way through the House of Lords where discussions on amendments to part 5… Keep reading »

bejing olympics

We urgently need a UK Business, Human Rights and Environment Act

At Anti-Slavery International, we’re calling on the UK government to introduce a Business, Human Rights and Environment Act.   We believe that consumers should have assurances that the products they’re buying have not been made with forced labour. We believe that the government should create a corporate duty to conduct human… Keep reading »


2021 in action: how you helped us to fight slavery worldwide

It’s a new year and here at Anti-Slavery International, we’ve been reflecting on all the great achievements over the last year. In 2021, thanks to your generous support, we supported a staggering 17,880 people across 21 projects in 10 countries, including Mali, Niger, Mauritania and Tanzania.* Here are some… Keep reading »


Child slavery: denying children the right to an education

As we mark International Day of Education, Kate Alsayed-Ali, International Advocacy Manager at Anti-Slavery International, explains the brutal cycle of child slavery and educational exclusion. Image via Shutterstock. On 24 January, we mark International Day of Education. And with good reason: education is a critical human right for… Keep reading »

bejing olympics

The Beijing Winter Olympics: not fun and games

As we approach the Winter Olympics in Beijing, Georgina Russell, Fundraising and Communications Assistant, explains the horrific practice of forced labour in the Uyghur region and the human rights implications of the games. Image via Shutterstock. As the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing start to appear on our screens; we… Keep reading »


International Migrants Day: how we’re working to reduce migrant workers’ vulnerability to modern slavery

This International Migrants Day, Cristina Patriarca, Safe Migration Officer, highlights the link between migration and modern slavery, examining how we’re working to protect migrant workers overseas. Image via Shutterstock. The numbers are clear: there are more people experiencing slavery today than at any other point in history. Despite the… Keep reading »

climate change

Climate change: highlighting the links between climate change, environmental damage and contemporary slavery

Dr Chris O’Connell highlights the increasing link between climate change and modern slavery, including the work of a recent conference on this critical issue. Image via Shutterstock. Contemporary slavery, environmental destruction and climate change are intrinsically connected and mutually reinforcing. This was the key message that emerged from an international… Keep reading »