Articles tagged with: Niger

11 articles with this tag.


2021 in action: how you helped us to fight slavery worldwide

It’s a new year and here at Anti-Slavery International, we’ve been reflecting on all the great achievements over the last year. In 2021, thanks to your generous support, we supported a staggering 17,880 people across 21 projects in 10 countries, including Mali, Niger, Mauritania and Tanzania.* Here are some… Keep reading »

Child holding the hand of a women in black and white

Mrs F’s fight for freedom and justice

Niger has been found guilty of trivialising legal justice for survivors of modern slavery by the West African Court of Justice. Mohamed Camara, our Africa Programme Officer, shares Mrs F’s fight for freedom and justice. Credit: Ramadhan Azmi via Unsplash Mrs F was born into slavery… Keep reading »

Under the radar

Talibé children experience abuse and ill health new report shows, a blog by Africa Programme Officer Kenza Ben Azouz. Image courtesy of ANTD June 2020 Thousands of boys attending traditional religious education schools (Qur’anic schools) in Niger are commonly forced to beg on the street, our… Keep reading »

New chief offers hope to those still in slavery in Niger

4 December 2010 The first person to be appointed a chief in Niger to represent slaves and former slaves will be crowned at a historic ceremony in the north of the country on Saturday 4 December. The appointment of Malick Asma, aged 46, is anticipated to result in an increase… Keep reading »

Niger anti-slavery activist exonerated

10 August 2010 Ilguilas Weila, founder of Niger anti-slavery NGO Timidria, has been exonerated of any wrong doing after a court threw out an attempt to have charges of defamation and fraud brought against the activist. Weila was arrested and imprisoned for two months following an attempt in March 2005… Keep reading »

Time Magazine ‘Top 100’ award for Hadijatou

30 April 2009 Hadijatou Mani, the former slave who successfully sued Niger for failing to protect her from slavery, has been named by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. The 25-year-old was recognised in the 2009 list alongside the likes of Barack Obama… Keep reading »

Clinton and Obama honour Hadijatou

12 March 2009 Hilary Clinton and Michelle Obama have honoured a former slave in recognition of her courage in combating slavery in her home country of Niger. The US Secretary of State and First Lady presented 24-year-old Hadijatou Mani with the International Women of Courage Award in Washington DC, yesterday… Keep reading »

Niger condemned for slavery

27 October 2008 Niger has been found responsible of failing to protect 24-year-old Hadijatou Mani from slavery. The judgement was delivered in Niamey, the capital of Niger today (Monday 27 October) by the Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The Court, which has… Keep reading »