Articles tagged with: Slavery general

30 articles with this tag.

workers in indian brick kilns

Slavery included in UN development goals

04 August 2015 Slavery included in UN development goals: Great news for people in slavery and good victory for Anti-Slavery International By Dr Aidan McQuade, Director The pending inclusion of slavery as a target in the post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a victory for a long campaign… Keep reading »

Photo: Protest outside of the Parliament demanding protections for overseas domestic workers

Analysis of Modern Slavery Act

27 March 2015 “Big step in the right direction but deficiencies leave us – and victims of modern slavery – wholly unsatisfied”   Photo: Protest outside of the Parliament demanding protections for overseas domestic workers Anti-Slavery’s Europe Programme and Advocacy Co-ordinator Klara Skrivankova analyses the Modern Slavery Act The… Keep reading »

photo of Steve McQueen at anti-slavery international

Steve McQueen becomes a patron of Anti-Slavery International

3 February 2014 Steve McQueen becomes a patron of Anti-Slavery International to help end modern slavery. The director of the award winning film ’12 Years a Slave’ Steve McQueen announced his patronage for Anti-Slavery International. Anti-Slavery is delighted to announce that Steve McQueen has become a patron of Anti-Slavery… Keep reading »

Bolivia should not lower minimum employment age say campaigners

24 January 2014 ‘Bolivia should not lower the minimum employment age’ Anti-Slavery and partners tell the president Bolivia is currently considering reducing the minimum employment age to 12. Anti-Slavery International and its partners, Global March Against Child Labour and Human Rights Watch, have sent a letter… Keep reading »

New website reveals extent of slavery in everyday goods

18 October 2010 From Christmas decorations in China, T-shirts in India and tobacco in Malawi, the shocking range of everyday items produced through slavery can be seen for the first time on a new interactive website from Anti-Slavery International: Launched for the UK’s inaugural Anti-Slavery Day (Monday 18… Keep reading »

Shell makes deal with Cosan in Brazil despite slave labour claims

3 February 2010 The oil giant Royal Dutch Shell has announced a $12 billion (£7.5 billion) deal with Cosan, one of the world’s largest ethanol and sugar producers, despite claims that the Brazilian company used slave labour. On 31 December Cosan was included in the Brazilian Labour Ministry’s slave labour… Keep reading »

Riots lift lid on slavery of migrant workers in southern Italy

11 January 2010 The two days of rioting in Rosarno, in the Calabria region of southern Italy, have revealed fruit pickers in conditions of slavery, according to the International Organisation for Migration. The rioting by dozens of migrant workers followed attacks on 7 January by local residents on African farm… Keep reading »