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Voice of Freedom project gives trafficked women cameras to document their lives. Below is their work and their stories.
The Voice of Freedom Gallery is part of the main feature in our latest magazine the Reporter. Also read:
‘Nili’ was trafficked from Albania to Italy and then to the UK, when her stepfather tried to sell her and her sisters and they ran away from home. She was placed with a foster family until she turned 18, then in asylum seekers’ accommodation. Her landlord sexually assaulted her. She reported this to the police but they took no action. She attends adult education classes and is waiting for her asylum status to be determined.
Fruit of Love
‘Fruit of Love’ was trafficked to the UK from China. She worked in a massage parlour that was raided by the police and she was arrested. Her health is fragile as a result of her experiences and the traumas continue to play out in her life; she often is not well enough to participate in group activities or education offered to her.
‘Haimanot’ was trafficked from rural Ethiopia to Middle East. She was held captive there by a family in a basement and forced to work at their house. When the family visited Ireland, she managed to escape. She was detained and then deported from Ireland. She now lives in refugee accommodation in London. Deep trauma she suffered continues to affect her profoundly.
‘Madeline’ was trafficked into domestic work in the UK from a Ghanaian village. After running away she was homeless, until a fellow Ghanaian woman helped her out. She got a job as a cleaner in a hotel, but this disqualifi ed her from Legal Aid. She now has a serious partner, but all hangs in the balance until her permission to stay in the UK is extended.
‘Gena’ is Nilli’s sister. She was trafficked from Albania to Italy and then to the UK. Her boyfriend, a man she loved and trusted, sold her to another man who took her to Italy. She has gone through the asylum process and been given leave to remain. She lives alone, but in shared accommodation with other refugees. She is very lonely, and finds it hard to take advantage of education and other opportunities offered to her. She finds the UK very unfriendly, completely different to Albania, people are cold and closed. She is often depressed.
‘Bibi’ was trafficked to France when she was sixteen from a children’s home in Nigeria. She escaped and made it to the UK, but was arrested on immigration grounds. She got help from an organisation helping trafficked women, and for several years lived in a shared accommodation for asylum seekers, where bullying and violence were commonplace. She finally was granted asylum, but remains extremely traumatised by her trafficking.