Making a Will FAQ

We hope you’ll decide to remember the work of Anti-Slavery International in your Will and have provided some guidance below.

This is general advice only and doesn’t constitute legal advice. Please seek the advice of a solicitor when drawing up or amending your Will.


Q. What type of gift in my Will would best help Anti-Slavery International’s work?

Any gift to Anti-Slavery International will make a difference. There are five types of legacy gift:

  • A residuary gift is a share or percentage of the residue of your estate after the payment of any debts, taxes and other legacies.  Leaving a residuary gift means that the value of your gift keeps pace with the value of your estate and so you may not need to update your Will as often. If you would like to leave a residuary legacy to Anti-Slavery International, we suggest the following wording:

‘I give [enter percentage] percent of my residuary estate to Anti-Slavery International (registered charity number 1049160), Care of Sayer Vincent LLP, Invicta House, 108-114 Golden Lane, London EC1Y 0TL, to be applied for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of the finance director or appropriate officer shall be a complete discharge to my trustees.’

  • A pecuniary gift is a gift of money. If you would like to leave a pecuniary legacy to Anti-Slavery International, we suggest the following wording:

‘I give [amount] to Anti-Slavery International (registered charity number 1049160), Care of Sayer Vincent LLP, Invicta House, 108-114 Golden Lane, London EC1Y 0TL, to be applied for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of the finance director or appropriate officer shall be a complete discharge to my trustees.’

  • A specific gift is a gift of a particular item e.g. some property or a piece of jewellery. If you would like to leave a specific legacy to Anti-Slavery International, we suggest the following wording:

“I give [insert details of item] to Anti-Slavery International (registered charity number 1049160), Care of Sayer Vincent LLP, Invicta House, 108-114 Golden Lane, London EC1Y 0TL, to be applied for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of the finance director or appropriate officer shall be a complete discharge to my trustees.”

  • A reversionary gift allows someone to leave assets to their family or friends while those family members or friends are living, but after they die the remaining funds pass to Anti-Slavery International.
  • A contingent or conditional gift depends on an event, which may or may not happen e.g. a gift to Anti-Slavery International which applies only if the other beneficiaries named in the Will should die before the donor.

Q. Can I leave a gift in my Will to a specific project or type of work?

The work that most needs our support changes over time. So, your gift is most effective if it is flexible and can be used for general purposes. That way, we can use it where the need is greatest.

Q. Can I save tax by leaving a legacy to Anti-Slavery International?

Yes.  A gift to Anti-Slavery International in your Will does not attract inheritance tax because it is a gift to charity.

Q. Is making a Will in England and Wales different from other parts of the world?

Yes – you will need to ask your solicitor for advice.

Q. Can I let you know about my intentions?

Yes – please complete the form below which will be kept confidential.

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