Articles tagged with: Child slavery

31 articles with this tag.

Local change makers take part in a team building activity in Mwanza

A typical week with the Tanzania Child Domestic Worker Coalition

The Tanzania Child Domestic Worker Coalition is a long-time partner of Anti-Slavery International. A truly grassroots organisation, coalition members focus on a range of frontline support, advocacy, education and legal support. We joined them for a week to learn more about their amazing members and lifechanging work. Based in… Keep reading »


2021 in action: how you helped us to fight slavery worldwide

It’s a new year and here at Anti-Slavery International, we’ve been reflecting on all the great achievements over the last year. In 2021, thanks to your generous support, we supported a staggering 17,880 people across 21 projects in 10 countries, including Mali, Niger, Mauritania and Tanzania.* Here are some… Keep reading »


Day of the Girl: 5 ways girls worldwide are being enslaved

Childhood should be a time to grow, learn, play and flourish in safety and security. However, an estimated 10 million children around the world sadly don’t have that chance. Instead, they wake up each day trapped in modern slavery. Out of 40 million people living in modern slavery, a staggering… Keep reading »

Child holding the hand of a women in black and white

Mrs F’s fight for freedom and justice

Niger has been found guilty of trivialising legal justice for survivors of modern slavery by the West African Court of Justice. Mohamed Camara, our Africa Programme Officer, shares Mrs F’s fight for freedom and justice. Credit: Ramadhan Azmi via Unsplash Mrs F was born into slavery… Keep reading »

end child labour

Our pledge to tackle child slavery

With child labour on the rise for the first time in two decades, Anti-Slavery International’s international advocacy manager Kate Elsayed-Ali explains how our new strategy to tackle child slavery will help us to address one of the most appalling injustices facing millions of people worldwide. How modern slavery affects children… Keep reading »

Getting justice; finding freedom

Anti-Slavery International’s Sally Kilner on how girls in Nepal are accessing justice after being sexually exploited. Image by hadynyah via iStock 2 September 2020 Aged 16, Binsa* decided she needed to support her family financially. {Near to her home was a hotel needing staff} and she started to work cleaning… Keep reading »

Under the radar

Talibé children experience abuse and ill health new report shows, a blog by Africa Programme Officer Kenza Ben Azouz. Image courtesy of ANTD June 2020 Thousands of boys attending traditional religious education schools (Qur’anic schools) in Niger are commonly forced to beg on the street, our… Keep reading »