Articles tagged with: slavery

19 articles with this tag.


2021 in action: how you helped us to fight slavery worldwide

It’s a new year and here at Anti-Slavery International, we’ve been reflecting on all the great achievements over the last year. In 2021, thanks to your generous support, we supported a staggering 17,880 people across 21 projects in 10 countries, including Mali, Niger, Mauritania and Tanzania.* Here are some… Keep reading »


Child slavery: denying children the right to an education

As we mark International Day of Education, Kate Alsayed-Ali, International Advocacy Manager at Anti-Slavery International, explains the brutal cycle of child slavery and educational exclusion. Image via Shutterstock. On 24 January, we mark International Day of Education. And with good reason: education is a critical human right for… Keep reading »

Child holding the hand of a women in black and white

Mrs F’s fight for freedom and justice

Niger has been found guilty of trivialising legal justice for survivors of modern slavery by the West African Court of Justice. Mohamed Camara, our Africa Programme Officer, shares Mrs F’s fight for freedom and justice. Credit: Ramadhan Azmi via Unsplash Mrs F was born into slavery… Keep reading »

Is the anti-slavery movement ready to listen to survivors?

As the Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group (ATMG) publishes research and a podcast series on the importance of including survivors in research and building policy responses, one of the peer researchers reflects on if the anti-slavery movement is ready to hear the voices of survivors. Please note… Keep reading »

Nationality and Borders Bill – our concerns, and what we need to see

This week the home secretary introduced the Nationality and Borders Bill, which would enact the Government’s ‘New Plan for Immigration’. Anti-Slavery International’s UK policy manager Kate Roberts outlines our concerns about the Bill – and explains why survivors’ voices must be heard. In October 2019, the UK was rocked… Keep reading »

The New Plan for Immigration won’t help survivors of modern slavery

Anti-Slavery International’s UK Policy Manager Kate Roberts explains why the Government’s New Plan for Immigration could leave survivors struggling for sustainable freedom from exploitation The Elizabeth Tower – picture by Simon Rae, via Unsplash The rhetoric and proposals that emerged from the Home Office on 24 March… Keep reading »