Historical slavery images

As the world’s oldest human rights organisation, we have been involved in significant historical moments in our campaign to end slavery. Over 180 years, we have collated a large archive, which is split between museums and libraries. We have also a number of photos and images, some of which can be viewed below. We want these images to be used in the ways they were intended – to end slavery – and with respect to those pictured. If you would like to view the full collection, to discuss using an image or to find out more please contact media@antislavery.org and we will aim to respond in 5 working days.

Our full archive will be available on request soon.

Sample images

Click the images to see a larger version.

Black and white photo showing hundreds of people packed into a hall for the 1841 conference of slavery abolitionists
Meeting of abolitionists, 1841, Exeter Hall, London.

Black and white photo showing a packed hall of anti-slavery campaigners in Hull, around 1928.
Meeting of Hull City anti-slavery campaigners, circa 1928.

Black and white portrait photo of Thomas Fowell Buxton
Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Vice President Anti-Slavery Society 1895-1899, President Anti-Slavery Society 1899-1915. Harris lantern slide collection.

Portrait of the British abolitionist Olaudah Equiano, pictured holding a Bible open to Acts.
Olaudah Equiano. Leading British abolitionist whose autobiography about his experiences in slavery helped turn the abolition movement.

Logo of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. In the centre a kneeling man raises his shackled hands. The inlaid motto reads am I not a man and a brother.
British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society logo, circa 1840.

Black and white photo showing a troupe of dancers in the Belgian Congo
A procession of dancers.

Black and white photo showing a white woman in a full dress and hat with several black people crossing a log bridge over a river
Mrs Alice Seely-Harris crossing a bridge in the Belgian Congo.

Black and white photo showing a group of semi-clad men holding baskets for rubber collection
Rubber workers, forced to collect rubber in the Belgian Congo.

Sepia photo showing a group of enslaved black people working in a yard
Enslaved people working in compound of the Lamido at Rei Bouba (Aug. 1966).

Black and white photo showing three enslaved black men carrying heavy burdens
Forced labour in Liberia circa 1930.

Black and white photo showing a group of black slaves with shackles and chains standing in a line, guarded by an askari or soldier
Slavery in Zanzibar:  Slaves in chains guarded by an askari or soldier. From Anti-Slavery Reporter p. 248. Oct. to Dec. 1896.

Black and whire photo showing a street scene in Hull, England around 1928. The banner reads Slavery Protest Meeting: Behold, and see if there is any sorrow like unto my sorrow
Street scene in Hull circa 1928, banner across street advertises a slavery protest meeting.

Sepia photograph of Sir John Hobbs Harris
Sir John Hobbis Harris, an English missionary and anti-slavery campaigner.

Sketched black and white portrait of William Wilberforce
William Wilberforce, British politician and a leader of the movement to abolish the slave trade.
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