Nepal in 2019

woman riding a bike
Image by lucian alexe via unsplash

Preventing trafficking through training

In the aftermath of the 2015 earthquake in Nepal, children and young people have become increasingly vulnerable to trafficking. Anti-Slavery worked with its partners to deliver knowledge raising sessions to improve the awareness of children and young people about the risks of being trafficked.

We also supported 45 girls and women personally affected of trafficking by training them as paralegals and arranging placements at police stations. This develops their skills and allows them to support survivors in other trafficking cases when they are identified by the police.


Story of freedom: Soneeya

Soneeya is supported by Anti-Slavery’s project. She was forced into marriage at just 15 years old.

“My parents and relatives arranged my marriage. They did not ask me if I wanted to get married and I was shocked and terrified. They introduced me to the him one night, and the next day we got married.

For a few days everything was fine, but then her marriage turned abusive. “He used to come home drunk every night, beat me and rape me. When I became pregnant he told me to have an abortion but I couldn’t do it, so he left.”

But thanks to Anti-Slavery’s project, Soneeya trained as a paralegal and now works for the police helping other trafficking victims in Nepal.

*Name and image changed. Image by Angel Lior

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