Category: News

All the latest news stories, campaign updates and press releases from Anti-Slavery International.

Call to EU: Protect People and Planet Now

Take action and urge the EU to ensure corporations are not let off the hook for harm to people and planet Cotton plants. A large percentage of the cotton that makes our clothes is tainted with forced labour. Image credit Coalition End Forced Labour in the Uyghur Region Corporations across… Keep reading »

Survivors of child sexual exploitation reach for justice

Press Release: new research shows the impact of a victim–centred approach on reporting of child sexual exploitation in Nepal Image via iStock 2 September 2020 Child sexual exploitation remains widespread in Nepal, driven by discrimination, poverty, a lack of education, peer pressure and the necessity of finding employment. Efforts to… Keep reading »

Mauritania slavery legal team

Mauritania legal win: three new slavery convictions

9 July 2020 Our work in Mauritania supporting slavery victims in high-profile legal cases, carried out with partners Minority Rights Group and SOS-Esclaves, has helped secure an important victory. Two former slave masters have received long prison sentences (10 years and 15 years respectively) and one a suspended sentence. Keep reading »

Anti-Slavery International statement on the 2020 anti-racist uprisings

4 June 2020 Anti-Slavery International stands as an ally in solidarity with all who are protesting against racism and the systemic injustice in their communities and around the world. Slavery happens because people are discriminated against, denied their rights and not protected by the law. Anti-Slavery International was set up… Keep reading »